Half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt
Half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt

Take hold of the turret in the second building and mow down the group of guards that come around the rocks. Behind these structures there are supply crates.

half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt

You will have to sneak around the back of the next two Combine gun turrets. Throw a pod in their direction and they will be mauled by ant lions. After the second tower, some soldiers will attack from over a rise. Climb the ladder on the side of the tower to reach the switch to turn off these machines. The next area is controlled by the Combine and is filled with towers that repel your new ant lion friends. You can then throw the pod at targets and the creatures will attack in the designated area.Continue through the gate, leaving the encampment behind. When equipped, press the alternate fire button to squeeze the pod and attract ant lions.

half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt

Follow your new friend through the base and into a sandy area where you will receive instructions on how to use the pheropods.

half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt

The Vortigaunt will take the pheropods from the corpse of the large ant lion and lead you into the base.

Half life 2 walkthrough nova prospekt